When the dark nights come….

Then we creatives get bunkered down to do what we do best and create,  at least dream of creating something , anything !

So yes of course we could just binge watch ( or that seems to be less and less as TV and platforms are forcing us back to waiting!) the latest big shows or all of the LOTR trilogy , again!  Or reconnect with the whole Marvel universe in the right order, i think?

BUT, just think,  whilst winter and the pandemic force us indoors for greater lengths of time why not dust off that old film idea , script, unfinished edit or the why the hell not thought that maybe just maybe you could make your first feature film!

You never know with a fair wind , some great snacks ( healthy please) and some positive thinking and creative thought, you might just breathe something to life that could be magnificent.

Go on , Go on. You know I am right. I think…..

Take good care,




Post Image Photo by Clark Tibbs on Unsplash




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