Sorry for the radio silence.
We have been busy looking at how to develop and sustain the charity over the past several months.
Exploring and evaluating our core strategy of how we can best support and enable novice and emerging young filmmakers as well as help organisations create films and also learn how to do it themselves.
Looking at ways we can source and get the funding we need to sustain and push ahead.
We have been engaged in supporting the 6 amazing filmmakers who we were able to fund through the first ever OSBD film fund.
This has been very exciting and rewarding and updates will appear over next few weeks on the webpages about their projects as well as on our social channels.
Take a look at them here
One of our ways forward has always been to look at what we can do locally , regionally and nationally. Our focus is people and projects.
Locally we are running a 2 day film challenge for young people 13-19 with a local youth service in October. They will have to create 2-3 minute films in the 2 days which will then be showcased at a gala event on Nov 24th in Exmouth as part of the first ever Exmouth Film Festival which OSBD are the leading partner. We are collaborating with Exeter Phoenix , Exeter University and local independent cinema chain , Scott cinemas. More details to follow shortly!
We are also partnering with Exeter Phoenix to launch DOCLAB 23, a new pilot initiative to help find, develop and enable documentary film makers across Devon.It is a mix of events and workshops and screenings. More info soon.
More news to follow and we won’t keep quiet, quite so long!
All the best as ever and do get in touch about anything we might be able to help with.