Planet Hope 2021.

Planet Hope is one of the mini doc series we are producing here at OSBD.

You can collaborate with us.

Tim Dendy, OSBD co founder is the lead creative. He has been filming for the past year and more around some really interesting activists and artists and also at some key events around XR and other activist events.

We have recently, along with partners in Sweden and Ukraine put in 2 bids for grants to explore the issues and create media around its themes. If we get either or both of these it will really help what we are trying to do.

There is no doubt as we loom toward 2021 and hopefully a lull in the impact on daily life from Covid -19 the major issue will be the climate crisis. Rightly so, like the pandemic its a global issue that effects us all now but especially the younger generations as its impact grows.

Maybe its something you are looking to create stories / films , fictional or factual around this coming year?

OSBD wants to help create and support those that are making films that matter. Films like this really do matter whether 60 secs or 60 minutes.

Maybe we can support and help? Ask us.

Meanwhile , have as best a Christmas as it is possible to have this year.

Stay safe and stay well

Until 2021.






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