Lockdown / Reach Out

So dependent on where you are living right now in the UK or further afield, the reality of what restrictions Covid-19 is placing on you might vary somewhat.For some its almost back to the full lockdown of the spring and others less restrictive. Tough times.

Whatever circumstances you find yourself in, its a strange and difficult time for most. A time of lots of uncertainty , anxiety and for some fear. However, there are also so many stories coming out of people supporting one another , finding ways to combat loneliness , isolation , fear and loss. In so many ways its times like these that really define us as people. In these dark days we can bring light.

Telling stories is so key to how we communicate with one another and we do it so many ways nowadays via,  creating, sharing , liking , reposting , taking photos etc. Talking and communicating with one another is so key to how we share hope and love in these difficult times.

So keep on doing that!

If we at OSBD can help and support you to do that, then get in touch!



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