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My Films

My Life On Camera

My Life on Camera is a feature film documentary that covers both my story with autism as well as documenting my ongoing global campaign to change attitudes and raise awareness so more communities will be accessible for people with autism. I know this works. For example, a woman from Kenya wrote to me who until she had read my social media posts, did not know about autism. After a few exchanges, she wrote to me, "I get you now. I haven't thought about it in the past. Now I do." This is the Director's cut, which talks about diversity, highlights good practices as well as making the case for the need for change. This is a popular film project that received media coverage: on 13/5/2019 at Coventry Radio Plus station. How autism affects my daily life article: How to manage sensory overload at Birmingham’s Christmas market: I have received more media coverage which you can see here:

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Company Number: 04148140

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