In The Creative Bunker

One of the things the Covid-19 pandemic has done, is force many of us to rethink, take stock, slow down, STOP. It is and has been horrible for many and may well be with us long into next year and its impact much, much longer.

When circumstances throw us a serious curve ball like this, there a few ways we may well choose to respond.

1: Get angry, throw our toys around , make loud gurgling noises.

2: Slump into the couch and binge watch Game of Thrones ….AGAIN.

3: Take some time to look afresh at just what we have been trying to do creatively and carefully engage in doing just that…be creative.

As we look likely to be heading into another lockdown ( England) and serious restrictions everywhere,  might I humbly suggest whilst option 1 might offer some immediate relief and option 2 , well just sounds good, option 3 might just be the thing that helps us get through all this craziness and emerge somewhat better than before. Maybe , just maybe, we might develop some really awesome ideas and find people who can help us make them a reality.

So here is to not giving up on being creative, here is to developing some great ideas and collaboration with others,  even if we need to do it all very differently to how we used to.

Let us journey together.



Photo by Camila Quintero Franco




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