Today is the day that the dog has made…

Monday April 3rd sees the wonderful world of one small barking dog re emerge onto the worlds stage.

As the new journey emerges for One Small Barking Dog, could you help?

OSBD has its roots back in the mid 1990’s from where OSBD grew into a world-class media charity and was formally incorporated and established as a charity in 2001. Over the next several years OSBD worked alongside young people enabling and training as well as creating numerous short films. Its innovative “Images for Worship” visual series and “Talk Trigger” video pieces were widely known and used. OSBD was also commissioned by other charities to make documentaries , taking them as far afield as South America and Ukraine. Over the past 18 months Pip has felt increasingly that “The Dog” has new work to do, both building on previous projects but also into new areas, we are currently seeking partners to help with specific projects as well as individuals to give financially.

OSBD core aims remain central:

· Engage young people through training and development in film-making.

· Create innovative media to explore and communicate.

· Connect disparate groups and individuals interested in creativity and contemporary culture.

Key areas of work we are now embarking on include: (more info on

YOUTH Feature documentary: (2017–2018)

2017 is the 50th anniversary of the pivotal film “Cathy Come Home” — a film that launched Crisis and Shelter. “Youth” is aiming high too, as it endeavors to bring home the story and reality of what it means to be young in 21st century Britain. We plan to bring the film out in 2018 as a feature documentary.

Virtual film school: (Autumn 2017)

The overall aim of the virtual (on line) film school is to ultimately train and equip the next generation of emerging young documentary filmmakers with a passion to tell stories that matter. The hope would be to train young people from struggling countries and regions as well as in the United Kingdom.

PLUS we are developing a new series of visual meditations and talk trigger short films.

SO….does this excite you?

We need to raise monthly support . If you can stand with us for the first 12 months, that would be amazing.

We are aiming for 100 people to give either £25 or £50 a month, gift aided if possible.

Could you help? Then go here:

If financial support isn’t something you can do what would still be amazing is to help us spread the word of that we are doing to your networks and through social media.

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Charity Number: 1088753

Company Number: 04148140

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